DHl API Shipping Integration into Laravel Booking Portal

The Challenge

We were commissioned to undertake a custom shipping portal integrated with the DHL API for a large London based b2b company who wanted to offer shipping as a service. As we have undertaken various projects which involves integration with the DHL API, Emysea Ltd were confident that we could create a custom portal which would give all of the required features.

The Solution

The portal is full integrated into the DHL quotation, booking, label generation and tracking api and so is used to take away any manual entry into the DHL website.

Other features of the portal include a top-up and credit function, address book, invoice creation and a notification system for credit decisions etc. The site also uses a stripe payment integration.

Design was set to be minimal, although updates are planned for the new year.

See the website at

Exceptional Work, Delivered always on time and in Budget.

Sam Carter – Global Parcel Service